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Meet Your Farmers

And their family

About Us

Brian Pomerenke is a third-generation farmer, who grew up on the family farm. He quickly left the nest after college with his journey taking him from Chicago, to LA, back to the farm.  In addition to growing corn and soybeans, he is passionate about raising low stressed animals.  He geeks on innovation and cutting-edge technologies to improve his way of farming and also incorporate climate smart practices.

Jodi Pomerenke works a full-time day job remotely in the animal health industry.  She was born and raised a city girl.  After marrying Brian, she traded in her heels for blue jeans and boots.  Living on the farm is a slice of paradise, and truly a blessing.  Her passion finds her with hands in the dirt, and she can grow just about anything.  She loves trying to grow unique items, but also enjoys preserving and canning fruits and vegetables.

Both sons are walking their paths and visit back home when possible.  Kyle served in the Army, graduated college, and is now enlisted in the reserves working full-time as a computer analyst.  Brock graduated college and is teaching music at an American academy abroad.

About Our Values

We cherish that our farm is a family endeavor.

We highlight that farming activities should be enjoyable.

We believe in a food supply that is transparent and controlled by people.

We work in partnership with nature and our animals.

We embrace practices from past generations combined with present day innovations.

We strive to leave our land in better condition than when we acquired it.

We enjoy providing food for our family & friends.